Tuesday 6 December 2011

Creep Analysis

Creep is set in an underground station and the tunnels surrounding it. This is a good setting as it is familiar to an audience sit gives connotations that it is safe, however when Kate gets trapped it becomes unfamiliar as underground stations are never empty and it now becomes quite claustrophobic.
The operating room creates a very scary ambiance as we are not used to seeing somewhere that should be so clean and sterile as being so dirty and creepy.
The cages where the killer keeps his ‘human pets’ is an abandoned area of the sewage system in London. This is a good setting as it ties in with the underground tunnel links and also the sewage worker.

Kate(lead) – slightly stupid, (falling asleep in underground, gets on empty train although the station is locked up…) she is quite pretty, blonde. She is very determined to survive and in the end kills the killer.
‘Craig’ (the Killer)- psychotic, ruthless killer, also a bit mentally ill, as we see in the operating theatre (puts on dirty gloves, washes hands without water)
The homeless people and sewage man- Kate finds comfort with these people although they die which leaves the audience to think she is now in a even worse position.

Iconic props in the film would be the blades (scalpel in the operating theatre) use of other weapons like the blade the killer uses to kill the sewage worker. Make-up like blood is very typical of horror films and is used throughout the film.
Also screams are used when the killer is ‘operating’ on Mandy.

Lots of different shots keep it interesting, close ups (e.g. on Kate’s face and used on peep hole of driver door) mix of stedicam and handheld (e.g. when Kate is running through the train), POV shots to give a stalking effect.  Use of CCTV shots to show her communicating with security guard.

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