Tuesday 6 March 2012

Project Proposal

Craig Chandler                            A2 Level Media                  Friday 2nd March 2012

                           Project Proposal

Project Details

To Create a teaser trailer (60 seconds max,) a film magazine front cover, a promotional poster of the film.
(Images/shots/soundtracks to be original)

Type of media
Film and film promotion.


Duration of Production
23 weeks

Technology required

-Telephone communication (for organizing location, actors and times and dates.)
-Emailing communication  such as Hotmail or g mail (for organizing location, actors and times and dates.)
-Sony camera (filming scenes for the trailer.)
-Panasonic video camera (behind the sense footage.)
-(Mac) Photobooth (evaluation stage.)
-(Mac) Final Cut (editing software.)
-(Mac) logistics (for sound effects and music.)
-(Mac) IWeb for the editors blog.
-Blogspot for the groups personal blogs.
-Youtube (to upload regular videos for the group to acess)
-Scanning software (for the storyboards and other drawn plans.)
-Microfsoft word (for essays and written work.)
-Excel (for surveys and results from findings.)

Group Details

Four Members
Allocated multi Tasks per person

Emily Davison
Editor/ Director/Researcher.
Dylan Leadley-Watkins
Sound effects and music/actor.
Tom Butler
Sound effects and music/actor.
Craig Chandler
Camera/ Lighting/props manager.

What does the group aim to produce?

In the space of 23 weeks the group aim to have created a complete horror movie package. As described in the brief of what is stated in the AQA criteria; we aim to create a 60 minute teaser trailer, a poster for the film and a magazine cover. Extras alongside this will include an online blog (to document the process of the project) behind the scenes videos and interviews with the crew.

How will it appear unique?

Our goal is to create a product that contrasts to previous teaser trailers made in our schooling establishment.

A primary way that we aim to do this is by delivering an authentic and original plot that has an element that makes the film seem cultured. Weather this be an element of thriller or a historical element to the teaser trailer.

We aim to do this by endeavoring to find outstanding locations that correlate with our genre by locating dark, eerie and atmospheric places. As well as producing props that correlate alongside our storyline.

Another way is to ensure that our title for our movie is distinctive and corresponds to the plot of the trailer, without informing to the audience the full nature of the plot.

What will be researched prior to constructing the product?

A number

How will the audience be researched?

The audience will be researched in a number of ways….

Researching Movie magazines
The group will research a number of movie magazines including Total Film, Empire and Paracinema (a magazine that covered the horror film “The exorcist.”)
The group will aim to reseach the mutli platforms mof promotion that the magazine companys aim to attract their target aueince. From the object magazines, the facebook pages (which live feeback will be able to be seen,) and the magazines websites. The group shall also investiage vintage magazines that cover older, renown horror films such as Alfred Hitchocks “The Birds,” to older versions of “Dracula.”

Researching movie magaziens will enable the group to understand the niche group of people that make up the audience of horror media from films to books. The group will also be able to gage what would be the most ideal way to promote the films through what form of technology is mainly accessed by the target aueince.

Researching Movie websites and IPhone apps
Through the use of Apple software Applications (Apps.) The group will be able to research the response, ratings and comments to their niche genre of horror films from the audience. Apps such as Flixter. This will allow the group to understand what films are the most popular, how to advertise them and even where to advertise them.

Researching Movie festivals
Another way in which the group will be able to gain an insight into what their target audience will be is through the investigation of media festivals. Indeed, there are many movie festivals that run over the world such as the Sundance movie.

Surveys and live feedback
The editor (Emily Davison) will create an online survey posted on facebook and on the groups own personal blog pages.This will ask a series of questions from the persons age, gender and movie likes and dislikes, to their hobies and what they do in their leisure time. After this survey has been completd a number of pie charts will be posted on the website to conclude and sumarise the findings.

Research of horror movie pages on the social networking site will be done by all memebers of the group. This will allow

Movie purchasing sights
We will research movie stores and online websites.
The main ones include the widely known chain store-HMV. As well as other retailers that stock the latest releases such as WH Smiths and supermarkets such as Sainsbury’s and Tesco.
We will research these by looking at certain horror movies, noting their customer ratings, popularity and other selections on the “you may also like” or “customers also bought.”
We will also explore online websites such as Amazon. Amazon, being one of the most popular internet online buying websites.

In Summary
The group will be able produce a profile of their target audience through their findings. Recording details such as gender (or whether it is a brand that appeals to both genders,) age (age range,) class, lifestyle ethnicity, interests (such as musical and social interests) and technology preference. 

How will the project details be planned, organized and discussed?

The group will hold regular meetings (minute meetings recorded by Emily Davison and posted regularly on the groups individual blogs.) These meetings will discuss a number of areas over the course of the project. The meetings will range from discussions of location, storyboard and actors to organizing these events. The meetings also allow the group to air any concers they may have towards their allocated task. For example if they are experiencing technical faults, seek opinions about a editing transition or require some advicne about a certain section of their allocated task within the group.

The groups will be held mainly in the Media room in the Arden block at Crown Woods College. The group meetings also allows the Media Studies teachers an opportunity to catch-up with the group and discuss the progression of the project. As well as to allocate Planning, Research and Production tasks such as audience Research, production schedule and survey projects.

How will the group stay in touch and keep a record of ideas?

The group will be able to keep in contact via trading numbers, e mail addressing, contacting on Facebook and regular file sharing through USB technology.

There will also be regular group meetings held and recorded (by Emily Davison.) This will allow the group to keep track of progress and produce materials for ideas in time for the next group meeting.

The editor (Emily Davison (myself) will produce a YouTube channel named a2horrorfestmedia. This channel will host as a hotshot for all the clips that the editor will post as the trailer is being produced. Including Behind the Scenes footage, deleted scenes and bloopers and evaluation videos where the entire group describe their tasks and the production of their contribution. This YouTube channel will allow all members of the group to stay linked to the entire project, they will also be able to directly update their blogs with the videos showing the production of the trailer by embedding a link on their blog page.

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